
Hey Frenchy!

With one egg left in the house I made Saturday morning French Toast.  Something I highly recommend when making such a breakfast is using stale bread, for some reason it always makes it taste way better and absorb the egg and milk like a sponge.  So to begin if you have no clue on how to make this I highly suggest you spend more time getting you know your kitchen.  For this is the easiest thing in the world to make.  I'll keep it short and sweat, the images will explain the process.  
In a bowl mix: egg+milk+splash of vanilla+ cinnamon 
(i had a brilliant idea after that some cardamon, ginger and cinnamon would taste brilliant mixed in).  This is your wet mixture.  All you gotta do now is let that bread take a bath in it and then they are ready to go. 

I am in love with berries so give me any excuse and I'll add them to the order. 

Canadian Maple Syrup is the best, none of that Aunt Jemima stuff.. but max would strongly disagree. 

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